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I am really happy to be in this website. I am listening Gita everyday now. Since long I was searching for this kind of website. Can you please provide Sahasranama Stotra MP3s and its meanings ?
Thanks to Atmasidhi Gurukulam
Dear Renu,
I will try to provide it. But u didnt specify which sahasranama you want. Sree Lalitha, Shiva & Vishnu are the most popular sahasranamas.
Anyway i will provide this three stotras soon.
Please wait...
i am a btech student and i want to free from my karmas.can you please mail me ur response at
i feel happy to make friendship with such a great person who works a brilliant and goddess work to reach gita to their needers.
Dear Friend,
Ist of all, I will ask u to read Geeta Lesson 4; Sloka 14 onwards. I think u will get the right answer urself, Because it is from the Universal Master; Jagatguru Sree Krishna.
After reading it, if u still have any doubts please contact me, and i hope with the help of GOD, i can clear ur doubts.
Namo bhagavate vasudevay||
thanks !! very helpful post!
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